Phil Rylance

For a self-effacing man creating your own web-site is a revealing experience. As my whole working life has been devoted to creating clever things to say about other people’s strategies, products and services, then creating the very best executions to communicate those plans, you would think it would be easy. It is not.
So, I've tried to work out what specific skills I have. What I am fundamentally very good at? Because that would be what I would do for you, if you hired me.
I realised that what I have intuitively always done, is to have an idea. I like having ideas. I am good a coming up with them. I know what a good idea is. I also know the difference between an idea and an execution.
I know how to communicate ideas in lots of different media, because all mediums work best when you start with an idea.
If I had a philosophy it would be to engage any target audience with an idea.